
About Us

Sacred Stitches is a women-owned business dedicated to the design, fabrication and delivery of fine, customized clerical vestments and clothing. 

Our products are Made in the USA, employing seamstresses, artisans, and craftswomen.  The Guatemalan fabrics used in our products are purchased through the Fair Trade Federation members such as Colores de Pueblo and support the women's collective that make these handwoven fabrics.

Sacred Stitches builds on the legacy of WomenSpirit, a 25 year old company that was first to the marketplace with robes and clerical clothing tailored to fit the spirit and bodies of women.  We continue the tradition of providing employment to women at the margins, supporting the achievement of economic sustainability.  

Your purchases support the provision of living wages to those whose skill, talent, and dedication produce these fabulous vestments.  Enjoy!